Platform Migrations

Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) to Shopify

With 6+ years of Shopify experience and 11+ years of SFCC experience, CQL helps mid-market & enterprise brands validate if Salesforce or Shopify is right for their business. This first-of-its-kind content focuses on platform comparisons most agencies won’t share, as well as technical challenges of Salesforce to Shopify migrations. No platform biases, just facts.

Salesforce vs. Shopify: An Enterprise Platform Comparison

The CTO Playbook (Top 10 Tech Migration Challenges & Solutions)

How a Platform Evaluation Helps Your Brand Find the Best Fit

SFCC vs. Shopify: Uncharted Paths Enterprise Brands Face​

It’s a big decision for brands to migrate platforms and it’s even harder to find the platform nuances to make an unbiased comparison. Get the guide based on our work helping dozens of brands migrate successfully from Salesforce to Shopify.

  • How Salesforce Commerce Cloud compares to Shopify for enterprise commerce
  • The strengths & weaknesses of Shopify vs. SFCC that other agencies won’t tell you
  • Why we recommend a Platform Evaluation to validate SFCC or Shopify
  • Stories of enterprise clients that were facing challenges and how they decided if Shopify or SFCC was the right path for them!

A CTO Playbook: Top 10 Technical Challenges & Solutions when Migrating

Written by our technical leadership & development team, the CTO Migration Playbook shares the top 10 challenges we encounter with enterprise brand migrations and how CQL solves them based on our deep technical expertise on SFCC.

Salesforce Brands that Migrated to Shopify

CQL has helped dozens of Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) Enterprise brands determine if Shopify is right for them and migrate successfully.

Stride Rite
Cue & Case
Guthy|Renker JLO Beauty Products
Stride Rite
TOMS Shoes Products
Cue & Case

Get an Unbiased, Tailored Evaluation

There is no perfect ecommerce platform, but there is a best fit for your business. Compare & contrast platforms with our platform comparison scorecards, learn the impact of each platform on your business operations and the ROI, and gain 100% confidence in your decision.

Digital Commerce Built for Breakthrough Brands.​

As an award-winning, full-service digital commerce agency, we design retail and B2B experiences and we engineer the technologies to fuel them. Our aim is to design and build truly inspiring eCommerce websites and applications for our clients and their customers. We’re a collaborative team of cross-disciplined professionals driven each day by our desire to turn complex challenges into compelling solutions.


Years of Shopify Experience


Years of SFCC Experience


Years of Experience in ecommerce


Years of experience in Software

Did You Know?

80% of Enterprise brands on SFCC that think they can’t take the path to Shopify, actually can. So which path is best for you?